Guests can enjoy an extensive range of Health Land Spa & Massage well-known services conveniently situated next door, from Traditional Thai massage to Ayurvedic practices. Below are some of our signature treatments and packages.
Guests can enjoy an extensive range of Health Land Spa & Massage well-known services conveniently situated next door, from Traditional Thai massage to Ayurvedic practices. Below are some of our signature treatments and packages.
Traditional Thai Massage 120 mins
Traditional Thai Massage is a richly rewarding, holistic therapy that can relax as well as energize and assist in relieving many common ailments. It helps to attain and regain “balance” in the flow of energy (chi or prana) in the body. It achieves this through the application of rhythmic compression to energy lines and points together with deep stretching, improving circulation throughout the body.
700 BAHT
Thai Massage With Herbal Compress 120 mins
A traditional herbal recipe of Plai Root, Tamarind Leaves, Turmeric, Bergamot Peels, Camphor and Lemongrass are steamed in cotton encased poultices and applied directly to the body. Combined with Thai Massage, the herbal heat penetrates and relaxes sore muscles while increasing blood circulation.
1,050 BAHT
Therapeutic Massage 60 mins
Performed by Health Land qualified staff, the massage focuses on certain parts of the body to relieve sore muscles, reduce tension and increase circulation. With firm, penetrating movements, it is both powerful and gentle with rhythmic grace. It is a valuable technique for concentrating on specific area of tightness and muscle spasms.
600 BAHT
Aromatherapy Body Massage 90 mins / 120 mins
Aromatherapy Body Massage combines the power to touch with the sense of smell. An effective aid to relaxation, the massage helps to smooth away stress, unknotting tense and aching muscles. The skin, blood and lymphatic systems are stimulated, which boost circulation, aid cellular removal and remove toxic wastes. As tense muscles relax, stiff joints loosen, and nerves are soothed, an all-over feeling of relaxation comes about for both mind and body.
1,200 BAHT / 1,500 BAHT
Aromatherapy Body Massage with Herbal Compress 120 mins
Aromatherapy Body Massage combines the power to touch with the sense of smell. An effective aid to relaxation, the massage helps to smooth away stress, unknotting tense and aching muscles. The skin, blood and lymphatic systems are stimulated, which boost circulation, aid cellular removal and remove toxic wastes. As tense muscles relax, stiff joints loosen, and nerves are soothed, an all-over feeling of relaxation comes about for both mind and body.
1,850 BAHT
Abhyanga Massage 90 mins / 120 mins
Abhyanga is one of the most popular forms of traditional Ayurvedic massage, involving the use of soft to medium pressure and warm herbal oil applied from head to toe. The herbal oil seep deep into the skin and release fat-soluble toxins from body tissues, improving muscle recovery and flexibility. The treatment has a stimulating effect on the skin, the heart, muscles and veins, as well as the circulatory and nervous systems.
1,700 BAHT / 2,000 BAHT
Shirodhara 60 mins
Shirodhara is the traditional Ayurvedic practice of applying a continuous, gentle flow of warm oil to the forehead, focusing on the area between the eyebrows known in Ayurvedic belief as the “Third Eye". With the oil being specifically selected by our Ayurvedic specialist, this procedure coordinates and deeply calms the mind, body and spirit. It is very effective in relieving conditions such as hypertension, anxiety, insomnia and headaches. In addition, it also aids in memory-improvement.
2,000 BAHT
Cannabis Deep Relaxation Oil Massage 120 mins
Discover the healing powers of CBD oil, perfect for those suffering from muscle fatigue and soreness or in need of deep relaxation. This treatment starts off with sea salt foot scrub which increases blood flow and circulation. Followed by the use of soft to medium pressure long stroke massages with warm CBD oil applied from head to toe. Finishing with an Ayurvedic head massage which induces deep relaxation and relieves headaches and tensions. This full-body massage is the perfect way to unwind, resulting in smoother skin and relaxed muscles.
2,200 BAHT
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